Battleground BG Tactics
We outline specific tactics for each of the four battlegrounds. Having powerful Warrior BG tactics is an important tool which allows you to win more BGs and gain more Honor!
Gladiator Proven Warrior PvP Talent Build Spec
This talent spec section will show you the best PvP Talent specs for Warriors. Our professional Warrior PvP Talent Build guide will push your PvP performance to the max. The most important aspect of being a good PvP player is your talent build. If you don't have a Pro Gladiator Proven Warrior PvP Build you are not going to succeed wow gold in Arenas, Duels, or Battlegrounds.
Warrior PvP Addons
Not only do we cover talents, but we have an entire section that is devoted to the best Arena, PvP, and class specific Add-ons. These Add-ons will help fine-tune your game so that you become the most efficient and lethal killing machine on your server!
Warrior Macros
If you aren't using macros, you are gimping your character. This exclusive guide shows you the best Warrior PvP Macros. No need to learn how to make your own macros, we provide them for you!
Warrior PvP Gear & Socketing
We sort through the myriad of PvP Gear & Socketing options and show you exactly what you need to succeed. We point out the pluses and minuses of different gear choices and show you why the gear most people are wearing is the WRONG CHOICE.