Humans and Dwarves are natural followers of the Holy Light and therefore can call on the power whenever they want to. Night Elves somehow touch the Holy Light through Elune or more accurately use the power of Elune for the spells. Trolls use the power of their Loa Gods. The Forsaken use the power of the Shadow and somehow touch the Holy Light through the Shadow through some kind of mystical balance. Blood Elves follow the Holy Light, as far as I can tell, but who knows with that. They may siphon off some of their power from the Sunwell now that the captured Naaru is dead or maybe their faith is restored. Draenei follow the Naaru who naturally follow the Holy Light. I wish everyone can enjoy their time in world of warcraft and also making wow gold.
Paladins play the same game as above, except it¡¯s a bit stranger. Paladins are basically Warrior Priests, like Vindicators (who are more Warrior than Priest) and were started by the Order of the Silver Hand. So they were originally only Humans. Well Dwarves worship the Holy Light, so it¡¯s no problem for them to become Paladins. Blood Elves also naturally worship the Holy Light but their power became ¡°weaker¡± after they became Blood Elves (who knows why) and have strengethed their holy power by draining the Naaru. Like I said above, that Naaru is now dead. So I¡¯m guessing it¡¯s back to their ¡°faith.¡± But no matter what and who we will be facing, I think we all can deal with everything. Right? I deeply believe we can solve all to play and making wow gold.