If you have been working the Auction House for a while, you should begin to notice things you never saw before. Today we'll give you an example of that so you can see how we look at the marketplace as a whole and how to profit from it no matter what's going on. Teach you make wow gold on AH.
Petite powerhouse made a little comment the other day, which led to this teaching session. She said that it's sad you can't make wow gold off of silk any more, now it's worth more to just vendor it. Instantly we knew why and so we discussed exactly what to do about it to make up for the lost profits on silk and make even more off of other things. Silk prices have dropped in that supply has far outstripped demand, which means that on the Horde side of Fenris, there are lots of people power leveling new toons. Not just lots of new toon, lots of new toons between levels 20-40ish.
Those guys are picking up tons of silk as they grind through mobs. Since they already have mains, they don't need the cloth once they get enough silk to level first aid and do the cloths turn in if they remember to do so. But this would take about 15 stacks of silk. Not to mention most people end up with more than this through 20 levels. If you only got one stack per level it would be too much. What do you sell these alts instead of silk if they are all leveling up? Since we are leveling some alts while working on a project, we know exactly what we needed a little while ago or more importantly know what we wanted. Want makes you more wow gold than need. People will spend far more wow gold on want than need. buy cheap wow gold