Why are Elemental Shamans only caster wow account that don't have a channel ranged Ale? This is one of those examples where we're trying not to give every wow account to every class. You should do decent DPS, but not just Shaman Blizzard. Totems should be responsible. We want to fill the niche, but we don't just want to give the same spells as Mages and Warlocks. We were talking about that, because it's now very easy for Hunters to level up without actually fighting anything the pet handles it.
Do I think so? Yes, I do think so. I'm not sure why they wouldn't let you carry over something you rightfully earned, especially in an expansion that seems to want to encourage you to roll alts and see the world all over again. Saying something like, "No, you cannot take your heirlooms with you" seems pretty discouraging, rather than encouraging.
Of course, some restrictions will apply to wow account. Lots of vanity items, money, titles, big rewards coming from Archaeology. Personally, I can't wait. "Fedora and a bullwhip are the minimum" for the wow account they'll design. Also showing off the mockup of the Archaeology interface that we saw yesterday. Archaeology will unlock Path of the Titans, extra glyph slots for high level characters. They talked more about this earlier in today's Systems Panel as well.