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WOW GOLD-The Stereotypical Gamer |
I would equal to spend a small reading addressing play stereotypes in WoW and in remaining genres in games. It is partly a salutation to many comments almost how it is not practicable to be "hip" in an "uncool" domain. I will get this out of the way now: most World of Wacraft "geeks" are not really geeks at all. We are not mostly pimply, extremely thin or morbidly obese stereotypes living in our moms basement. We are not rejects from Revenge of the Nerds. I addressed this in a previous blog but I am writing this for emphasis and I feel that it needs to be said again. People who say this entry is "off topic" can off. I do not really care about PvE drama or this past weekends regional results. Azael or Serennia can cover that much better than I can so I am going to leave that to them. This is my field and I personally think that people like to read something a little different. In my 4th entry I called on people to add me to their Digg, wow gold Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. The requests came and I accepted all of them. Do you know the average profile of the people who added me? They were cool people. People with girlfriends and sex live. People who love MMA practice jujitsu. They were people who have a common hobby with me who share the same passion for life as they share for gaming. None of the people I have had the pleasure of talking to via my Facebook were stereotypes about wow gold. Sure, this was a couple of hundred people out of the many, many people who lurk on the site and never comment or make their presence known outside of a statistic in Google Analytics. But it does not matter. (I use that sentence a lot.) The people I have talked to in game and out of game have families, lives, classes to slack off in (both middle, high school and college).