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WOW GOLD-TSG vs Team EG 3-2
Pretty big line from Veex guaranteeing a convergence with SK-US in the impressive finals during the on-stage interview, confronting a aggroup that pound them 3-2. Umteen finger Squad EG lucked out on the Z alignment maps early, module TSG adapt when Azael necessarily jumps off papers at 10% eudemonia? We leave see! Veex is ordinarily pretty intellectual with his guarantees, like his bid for pernicious pugilist from 0-2800+ the penultimate week of mollify 5, testament he be saintly on his outlook? I conceive most of us here in BG5 want to see TSG vs SK-US, we testament grow out shortly!
In Game 1 TSG finally did something I thought they were more than capable of doing, training down the shaman!  Nothing can stay alive in the face of warrior/DK damage, wow gold and Azael as affliction can provide very little CC on warrior/DK both with fear immunes. Hammer of justice + strangulate and Kollectiv is down in less than 10 seconds. Brutal and effective! I can tell TSG was upset how they lost the first series, and Veex is playing with an axe to grind of Wow gold.
Game 2 Zyz ate a hammer of justice from Zilea which he chose to trinket, followed by an intimidation shout from warrior which kept him out of fight for 10 seconds. Azael fortunately switched to destruction for this fight and had no problem surviving the early 10 second pounding from warrior/DK depending on wow gold. I am not sure why they do not look for swaps on Kollectiv, I just do not think you can kill a warlock of Azaels caliber on Dalaran. EG was able to score a kill on Veex once Azael got open.
Amazing game 3 as Zyz actually landed a cleaner opener for once, and they did big damage on Veex bringing him to 35% off the opening round of burst. Amagic zone + shield wall + blessing of protection were used to pick him up. Team EG went for a swap on Valrath the DK but he hovered at 15% health for a long time with his defensive CDs as they brought down Azael.  Zileas played an absolutely brilliant game here avoiding shocks/spell locks and kept his teammates alive.

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