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WOW GOLD-RShamn/Lock/Hunter or Paladin/Hunter/DK
The future is still questionable though, how will any RMP team handle a team such as RShamn/Lock/Hunter to get cheap wow gold? Didy response was that you pretty much can not. However, it is pretty easy to see that this specific makeup is virtually impossible for anyone to beat because they have so much damage that is practically unhealable about wow gold. RMP still has the same strength as it is had since its first conception: the ability to force many cool downs with little effort or use of their own.
There is still the issue of arcane and Rogue nerfs. Obviously frost has always been the primary and most effective spec of RMP, so the arcane nerfs are not necessarily going to impact the setup. However, the rogue nerfs, as I am sure Ming has covered, give light on potential combat specs again, which would probably yield the return of "training the mage" strats of earlier RMP generations. Either way, the Priest buffs I touched on when I wrote last could help to compensate for some of these nerfs as well about wow gold.
Paladin/Hunter/DK is also a pretty big concern on paper, however Didy felt that they are not necessarily going to be an issue after the AMZ and IBF nerfs. He said his biggest over all concern besides shaman/hunter/lock is actually Feral/hunter/paladin. Druids because of how they are impossible to kill, and sheer damage output that is capable of killing a Priest in less than 10 seconds. The fact that they are completely impossible to CC with anything an RMP team can use other than blind makes them very difficult to control to get cheap wow gold. Of course Green ranger can level the playing field pretty quickly due to the fact that he plays a damn good feral druid as well, so maybe the concern is not necessary to get cheap wow gold.
Needless to say, the LemonQTs are not the only ones who have proven they can play RMP with a good win ratio, as with the new pickup, GG has already began to demonstrate their skill with the comp.

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