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WOW GOLD-Make PvP Servers Real PvP Servers
WOW GOLD-Make PvP Servers Real PvP Servers
I remember seeing that PvP thing by my servers name and picturing what it would be like. HOW GRUESOME? I thought. I had never played an MMO before. Playing on Bleeding Hollow, it was often the case that I had a res timer while questing for an hour at a time. Stranglethorn Vale, on my first Paladin, was the most fun I have ever had in this game. What is a PvP server now? For a few levels at the start of Wrath, it was the bomb about wow gold. Now it is back to before the expansion, where all PvP is instanced and players are sitting in their respective home cities.
This is relavent because it marks how different PvP servers used to be from what they are now about Wow gold. I know people like the idea of a permanent TR, but personally I do not think it appeals to the average player who wants a mix of PvE and PvP. I suggest we make PvP servers real PvP servers about Wow gold. Using the phasing system, we can make enemy territories and cities completely conquerable, from initial assaults to laying siege (at which point auctioneers might be down and prices for repairs for your faction go through the roof, etc.).
By separating the two aspects of WoW Gold onto servers, the mix can be achieved without ever actually trying to create that perfect balance. Cap the population of each server to a reasonably solid ratio. We will not ever get 1:1 but keeping server populations at 1.2:1 would work fine, and players such as myself would much rather wait in a queue for 3 minutes and have an overall more enjoyable experience. Horde vs. Alliance is the heart of the World of Warcraft Gold universe. Capitalize on it.

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