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WOW GOLD-Blizzard Biggest Oversights in Arena
Except that the survival ridiculous damage that Explosive Shot does, the fact that it does roughly the damage of 1.5-2 Arcane Barrages in one use, penetrates Hand of Protection, deals full fire damage, and can be used consecutively on Lock and Load procs about cheap wow gold (which is also bugged with frost trap not triggering the intended 30sec cool down), makes Explosive Shot the new 1-ability spam key which dethrones arcane barrage. But wait, not only do they get an amazing 41-yard ranged attack that deals fire damage and has twice the proc rate of the old warrior mace stun, but they also have a 10-second incapacitate (sleep) on a 45-second cool down glyphed, a 5 second full frontal evasion + cloak of shadows, and a 4-second disorient about World Of Warcraft Gold.
Really, it is no surprise that hunters everywhere have suddenly become "more skilled" and are becoming extremely popular on the SK-100 after the 3.0.8 patch. They are basically one of the most durable DPS classes in the game right now that also deal their damage at 41 yards, have MS, 60% AoE snare, 45-second cd blinds, pets that can soak damage (roar of sacrifice) and intervene attacks for you about wow gold, and reverse intercepts every 16 seconds glyphed. Yes, I play with a hunter; yes, maybe they are retarded and need to be tuned to get wow gold.
Obvious damage is perfect for the most part, but the amount of CC and the rate at which they can do so is simply over-the-top considering the damage they can put out and the range they can do it at. If Blizzard wants to balance this class for arena, the Glyph of Wyvern sting needs to be changed to something else (maybe increase the damage of the Wyvern Sting DoT by 50%), and reduce the duration of Wyvern Sting against PvP targets to 6 seconds to match Repentance to get wow gold.

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