A bad match-up should be 30 vs 70, not 0 vs 100. Even warriors have better match-ups than rogues in 1v1 to get
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Before WOTLK we were always the most versatile class when it came to choosing spec, though now it has all changed, we are nearly the only class forced into one spec for pvp. I will reiterate that I am glad they are sorting FoK out, however I was hoping they would also introduce a fix to sublety to give us 2 pvp specs, which really is not too much to ask. Paladins have 3 very strong specs in arena to get
cheap wow gold, shamans also now got good choices, warlocks have 2, priests now have shadow on top of disc and same applies to other classes. It seems they tried to give classes more choice of spec, except rogue about
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And again, none of the rogue heroes are asking for a spec to equal mutilate/prep in presentation, we just want a viable alternative. Hunger for blood does not have the survivability to survive in 3v3/5v5, and full combat has a really tough time in landing a clean killing spree in these brackets. Shadow dance damage is pathetic against new resilience formulas. What does that leave us about
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1) Remove Remorseless Attacks and place Deadly Brew here.
2) Increase Backstabs base wep damage multiplier from 150% to 200%, make shadowstep usable in roots again and increase hemo damage from 110% -> 120% base. All I can say is I am glad season 6 gladiator title is locked in for my 3v3 team, by the time season 7 opens, hopefully we will not have to change 4 diapers in one hour.