When big tournaments come up and the streams are on I have a couple of friends who normally just PvE raid in WoW that tune in for some arena action about
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Most of my PvE mates had no clue which key plays were made or which strategies were used and what led to the kill and it is not their fault. Often times, only casting top players are able to understand what is going on and which moves were clutch and made a real difference. Even the regular caster is often totally clueless, picking up only the smallest bits of what just happend. Eurospective wants to give a hand here.
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I will talk to experienced players from the most represented class combinations in the upcoming tournaments and will try to shed some light on what you should be looking for and what goes on in their heads. Very experienced arena players all over Gameriot who often multi class, this probably is not news for you. If you feel you lack some knowledge for match ups outside of your own combo, this might still be interesting. This will be a series of blogs and today we will start of with WLD and my expert for this is of course WLD veteran Paperkat about
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The Warrior needs to play perfectly with LOS and Intercept/Intervene/Charges to get away from the Rogue when it gets rough. WLDs Warrior needs to go on the enemy Lock if they go on on him or on Rogue if they go on the Warlock or the Druid. A lot of swaps to the Warlocks pet and perhaps Fel Dom interrupt chained in Cyclone till fade out. Keep an eye on the Warrior, this is a real challenge of survival.