WOW ACCOUNT-Surreality on Black Dragon flight
Unfortunately, it is not mentioned which guild this was used with (or if it was used by a real guild at all -- maybe it is not possible to fairly distribute a bank among a guild that is breaking up), but if your guild is about to fall apart, maybe it will help about WoW Account.
Surreality on Black Dragonflight-H not only hit their two-year anniversary recently, but their GM also announced her engagement: she is marrying the guild is raidleader, her long-time boyfriend who lives 1200 miles away in a completely different country. Quite a story, and apparently they will have a progression-based family: the guild is also one of the few Ulduar-clearing guilds on the server about WoW Account.
Iron Sharpening Iron on Dragonblight has been accused of ninjaing loot on PuG runs, but that is only the start of their problems: they claim (without proof, as you can see at the end of the page) that Adamant is secretly sneaking their officer alts into the guild to steal away raiders. Fortunately, even if Adamant and ISI can not work it out amongst themselves, Dragonblight has some good suggestions for how to fix things once and for all about WoW Account.
The leadership of Evil Avatar on Vashj reportedly decided a while back that they wanted to reform into just a 10-man guild, so one day, they tossed out all but 10 players. They definitely did not consult anyone they kicked, and we hear they did not even consult some of the keepers, just let them log in to a smaller guild than they had been in the day before. But here is the kicker: apparently they kept the entire bank, full of items from both the ten chosen as well as the kicked.