Unbeknownst to the farmer, he harvested on a plot of land known as the Execution Grounds. Had he known the history and malevolence associated with this place, he never would have stepped foot on that land, let alone plant on Lineage2 Adena.
As the plants grew, they became infused with all the hate and anger and despair of the spirits who had died there. And when they reached maturity, they uprooted themselves and ran away. And like evil villains bent on world domination, they sought out Fordsons other gourd patches and cross-pollinated themselves with the normal crops. And now, nearly all the seeds that Fordson possesses are touched with Lineage2 Adena!
Since Fordson can not bring himself to destroy all these seeds, he has sent Buzz the Cat to all major towns in an effort to pawn his seeds off on any who are brave enough to grow them. He is hoping that the rewards gained from killing his gourds will act as compensation for the potential hazard of growing these sometimes vicious squash. Wow gold Kaufen