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wow gold---Why Blizzard Gave Mages MS
I have had some time to think about the logic behind it about wow gold after basically ranting about the new MS for mages on my last blog as a very poor design decision. First and foremost, the decision was, is and will still be a bad one when it finally does go live. That being said, I have had some time to fool around on the PTR just to get an idea about what the game is like to get wow gold. I spent an awful lot of time dueling people on the PTR, which is honestly the congregating place for every 1200 arena rated player in the world because almost every player I dueled was just really bad, so it made testing all of the new things in the patch very difficult about wow gold.
By the way, the resilience change is going to change the dynamic of the game, mainly because a lot of people are accurately predicting that many of the comps currently considered "FOTM" will begin to die out (goodbye destro locks, ret paladins, frost dks, etc). The reasoning for this is obviously because damage is going to be going down across the board. It is also obvious that with the recent addition of MS to mages and shadow priests that Blizzard is clearly concerned about what will become of those classes/specs. I think its pretty safe to assume shadow priests are getting MS as well just because, like mages, they are very reliant on burst. Because the game will slow down next patch and there are currently 0 shadow priests in arena. well, that is why shadow priests are getting MS about wow gold. Again, the decision to give both of those classes MS is a bad one and will come back to haunt the Blizzard developers if they ever get their together and those classes become potent. There should be other viable routes to take to make those classes/specs viable in arena to get wow gold.

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