The team formerly known as HON brings a lot of promise after watching Orangemarmalade pulls off an epic 1v2 in the IEM Global Finals, which has in my book solidifed their legendary reputation for years to come. I may be overhyping them, but I think they are probably not very far off from SK Gaming in terms of skill. However, just like with SK Gaming, the pally/dk/hunter teams of Shipit and X6 are still going to be of big concern, as the advantage is clearly against them about
wow gold.
With the first WoW roster to be paid a salary, can this team pull off a first place finish? I think it will be just the incentive to push them over the top and rack up a top 2 finish get
wow gold.
I will admit I am very unfamiliar with this team and the entire Taiwanese arena scene. It is very difficult for me to expect anything other than failure for a team that has not really been visible at the higher echelons of the ladder. I guess it is always possible that these guys upset my team and others at Blizzcon get
wow gold, but I am still putting the odds against them. I would however say that they do have a pretty decent shot against the PMR comps at Blizzcon just because of how the comp plays out about
wow gold.
Although this is another Taiwanese team, they are a PMR. The reason I think that is important is because I personally do not think PMRs play out all that differently in the big scheme of things against certain comps. Sure there are some nuances involved but generally speaking we are dealing with the same can of worms at high level play. That being said, there is always the possibility that this team pulls a shocker and takes down some giants.