I realized WOTLK arena is a joke at the moment. Were a couple of days ago? I was playing 2s on a friend mage for fun, with a different friend on a rogue. Neither of us really have any idea what we are doing but we are still holding 2k, mostly due to the people we fight being godawful and worse than us somehow about
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By the way, eventually, we come across the legendary Goratha and his Hunter/Paladin team which is quite possibly the best in the US:
NGoratha is special for a reason about
cheap wow gold. While we fought people making use of the S key that rivals the S-per-minute level of the great Levidian, they still at least seemed to use keybinds and turned with the mouse despite having the reaction time of sloths and using all their core defensive cooldowns while my rogue is still stealthed, I am 80 yards across the map and the game started 15 seconds ago. Playing a Ret paladin/Resto shaman where the paladin trinkets a sap for no reason when we are not even close to opening, blessing of sacrifices the shaman into a bop when I walk up to ice lance a totem with my rogue still stealthed and getting 21 points from them at 2k was eye opening about cheap
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Anyway, back onto Goratha The Flawless Victor. We randomly encountered him and his amazing partner after a couple of games to get
cheap wow gold. The first thing I notice after we open is: A little while later our friend Goratha was dead and I was horrified to receive 18 points (which usually means someone is much higher than you in the current system, if your HR is around your TR).