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WOW Gold-New Hidden Rating Explained and Its Potential

If Blizzards implementation of the new hidden arena rating has been far from smooth so far about WOW Gold, the inner workings of the system are beginning to surface, and it looks like there is actually some potential for the new system to be superior to the old. I think there has been a lot of general confusion in terms of how the new system works, and aside from a couple of bugs, it actually makes some sense when you take the time to pick it apart about WOW Gold.
There are some who might understand this already, but from speaking with a lot of people it seems as if most do not about WOW Gold
From my general understanding, each person has a newly added rating, which has been coined the "hidden" rating, that now exists in addition to TR and PR (this is known). This hidden rating influences both your gains and losses of PR and TR, and those relative changes are based off of how far you are off from your HR. It will essentially make an attempt at guiding you towards it regardless of your TR/PR being lower or higher than it about WOW Gold.
When Blizzard initially implemented this change, regardless of your TR or PR being at 2300 or 1300, it seems as if your hidden rating began at 1500. The problem came into play (and this is what Blizzard refers to when they say that it will take time for the system to fully adjust and become stable) is that this currently has a very negative affect on any teams with high PR or TR simply because, like I mentioned above, your point gain/losses is based on your HR and it will naturally pull your towards it to get more WOW Gold.

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