I know I am not the only one when I say that it was really agitating playing in TBC and watching a lot of skillless druids wreak havoc on the arena scene with very little that could be done to stop it about
wow gold. As a paladin I saw this firsthand playing in 2v2 and 3v3, where it was damn impossible to either kill a druid or outlast a druid in both brackets. No matter how well I played, I could not overcome the large gap between the class strengths. The druid class had more utility, longevity and raw healing power over the paladin. It was not fun. Today, that gap has narrowed with the vast number of options players have about
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Furthermore, it pains me to have to say this, but in retrospect after seeing the game develop from TBC to WOTLK, the play style of a lot of the "big" names like Hafu and Chumpjohn has been in my opinion far from stellar. Who remembers the triple first place finishes of Hafu in TBC tournaments to get
cheap wow gold? As soon as those nerfs came in to put a stop on the overpowered machine that was WLD, Hafu disappeared off the face of the Earth with rock bottom positions at every tournament ever since, even in the WOTLK. Most of the druids I remember seeing at those tournaments were 40 yards away all match just rolling HoTs and would at very infrequent times land a cyclone to get
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