Just when I called FOK nerfs being inevitable after Stars downed Yogg+0 with rogues leading AOE damage meters (Blizzard always fix PVE inconsistencies before they fix PVP), I think both changes are inevitable although we will most likely see the subtlety changes first. Backstab/hemo even fully talented are just pathetic by WOTLK standards. Personally rather than increasing the base damage, I rather have them giving hemo a much stronger debuff (15% armor penetration? That is only a 5% base damage increase to get
WoW Gold. And get rid of the charges!) that scales over time and allows for more creativity and combination attacks. But still, we can all agree subtlety needs serious revamps as the "main" rogue PVP tree about
WoW Gold.
Deadly brew and double wound is seriously the only thing that makes mutilate/prep strong. If hemo was not so bad in damage per energy vs mutilate, we would all be playing CB hemo instead. I been trying out a DOT/survivability spec lately and experimented with both mutilate and hemo. Seriously the difference is marginal at best. We really do not put pressure on people with mutilate damage, wound poison is the only thing that keeps us alive. Giving deadly brew to more specs would greatly enhance diversity about
WoW Gold.
After a serious drought in July, WOW tournaments are back in action! We have Intel Extreme Masters next Wed, the first ever 3.2 tournament! How will the European RMPs adapt to the 3.2 changes? Do not miss Yiskas European perspective to get
WoW Gold.
While this will be an interesting tournament to watch, the best teams are all going to be at Blizzcon 48 hours later. So the quality of the roster is questionable. Rumor says Bodi of WOM received a media pass and will be at the show to provide some of the live coverages.
The week after Blizzcon super weekend, we will have MLG Dallas featuring X6 the European champion and Button Basher aka HON from Korea. It is a great, great month to be a fan of WOW, do not miss it!