Maybe I am alone on this but I really do not think people should give WoW player such negative connotations, especially when they have not experienced the game enough themselves to not only see all that it offers, but also becoming a truly recognized player for one thing or another.
After all, when 2 death knights are sitting on each other in those nail-biting dk/druid mirrors, the one with more attack power and more crit will likely be the one putting out more damage, more pressure, and more results in the matchup about
Season 6 of arena is finally drawing to an end so it is that time again where everyone makes their final pushes for gladiator to get cheap
wow gold. Arena Junkies once again comes to the rescue with their updated Title Calculator so make sure you check out what team rankings you need in your specific battlegroup if you are unsure of your own title eligibility. As always, I recommend raising your rating a good bit above the minimum cutoff currently as the rankings will fluctuate as people make their last pushes about
Speaking of Arena Junkies, make sure you check out Noxns latest arena video while you are there, too; I found it quite enjoyable. And finally, since this applies to Noxn more than anyone else can possibly fathom to get cheap
wow gold.
To everyone that is feeding, win-trading, colluding, and every other bull obligatory end-of-season crap that high-rated teams have to deal with unfortunately: You know who you are.