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Such a sentiment was not a new one. There was already plenty of evidence of Blizzard reusing of graphics for armor sets (such as the recolored tier 2 turning up in Karazhan and Burning Crusade heroics) and certainly it was easy to see reused boss mechanics in various encounters. Blizzard could even be said to reuse story and encounter ideas in the form of the Caverns of Time with wow gold and the Culling of Strathlome were both borrowed from games earlier in the Warcraft canon. It is possible even to argue that its preferable to have the same encounter retuned rather than a brand new encounter as far as appearance goes, but for the concept and exact layout of the fight to run exactly the same as an earlier one. In the end, reusing fights, graphics and so on is a staple of MMOs, and in Blizzard case, done sparingly. To get more wow gold is not easy.
With all of that said, what are your opinions? Is reused content acceptable, and can it still be fun? Is Onyxia a step in the right direction, or are people blinded by their nostalgia? What raids would you like to see rennovated for level 80?Wow gold Kaufen
At the end of June 2009, Europe finest Warcraft III and World of Warcraft players competed for a spot at the Grand Finals to be held during this years BlizzCon. All participants proved their strength in Cologne, and we had the opportunity to watch some amazing battles and tests of skill. In the end, two arena teams for World of Warcraft, x6tence and Woah, earned the privilege to defend the European colors in Anaheim. In the Warcraft III bracket, LucifroN, Grubby and Nicker will compete for the title and prove that they are far from being mere challengers to get wow gold. We are very proud to present to you the European champions for this year. Then for a limited time, after the 5-year anniversary event officially begins in November, anybody who logs in will receive an Onyxia Brood Whelpling pet.
We are very excited to bring this classic encounter back to provide a fun new experience for both new and veteran players as well as wow gold. Further details will be available in the near future, and we will be setting up the Public Test Realms soon to help test out this fight along with all the new content we have planned for the patch. Keep an eye on the forums for updates!.

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