WOW GOLD-Algalon, the last Frontier
Algalon the Observer, technically speaking, an optional boss in Ulduar, has been stated by Eyonix (Blizzard Poster) as the real last boss of the instance (and not Yogg). Last night I managed to get an hour of experience into the fight ¡ª the 10m version (because you can only try the fight one hour per week).
WOW GOLD. To be able to access Algalon, you need to fill certain requirements and then gives you a key that grants you access to his room. The entrance to his room is by the stairs that lead to Kologarn (instead of going up the stairs, you go to the right).
Once you open the door some strange glyphs show up on it, for some reason they reminded me to Captain Planet. After you get inside, the room itself is pretty nice, the floor is like Wow gold, and there is a bridge that connects to the middle of it. The 1h counter does not really start until you attack the boss (you have to attack him, he is yellow named). As soon as you start him, the room warps, and you start fighting in outer-space.
Just do not be like me, in one of the pulls I kinda ran in kinda late, fell off the platform, and realized that the bridge that connects the middle area vanishes once the encounter cheap Wow gold.
We had several attempts, most of us did not have a clue of what was going on, but the fight is rather different. When the 1h counter finishes, there is nothing really dramatic: he just starts rambling about stuff and disappears, along with the world globe.