I had one of the most entertaining things I have ever come across linked to me this week... so I thought I would share it with all of you readers who are interested in / enjoy music.
Basically, you click the squares, and it plays them in sequence based on how fast / slow you clicked them, and also how many you selected at once about
wow gold. You can mess around for hours creating different beats / tunes and it is pretty addicting for anyone who is into that kind of thing. I definitely have had a ton of fun messing around with it so I think a lot of you guys will enjoy it as well, but be sure to let me know what you think about
wow gold.
So, 3.2 is in and so far I can honestly say I have not noticed much difference... which is too bad in my opinion. Obviously there is a difference, and the pet buffs are noticeable for sure, but I guess I was just expecting the random 100->0 insta-deaths to be a thing of the past which was probably just wishful thinking to get
wow gold. Destro Lock / Elemental Shaman burst still seems insane, and my pet still dies instantly to warriors, but overall things are definitely toned down which is nice to see to get
wow gold. I would say that things are fairly balanced right now overall, but my concern is not about right now, my concern is that when insane burst is still possible currently what will things be like with loot from the new 25 man hardmode / season 7?
Looking at the new season 7 2h weapons, there is a gain of 36.8 DPS. With the 15% nerf to Resilience, 800 resilience gives you a ~8.5% damage reduction which is fairly significant - but will that reduction even keep pace with the increase in damage we will see in season 7? It is unlikely to say the least as the weapons alone will provide a massive increase, and the set pieces themselves are also getting a huge boost which leads me to believe that Blizzard is simply increasing the strength of this gear far too fast.