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WOW GOLD- WoW Player is a Complete Scrub
Almost everyone has been there at some point: You know WoW Gold, being a nobody that still strived to impress people, make friends, fit in, and be in a good raiding guild or on a competitive arena team. This article goes out to everyone in those 11-20 ranked PvE guilds, the duelists that barely miss Gladiator cutoff, the arena competitors still wearing Hateful gear, and everyone else that the average "pro" would consider a "newb." But when you are sitting there wiping on the nerfed Hodir hardmode and thinking your guild is completely awful and that everyone else farms him, or when your arena team is struggling to get 2350 for t2 weapons losing to facerolling cleave teams, just remember: there are always people... many, many people... out there that are far worse than you.
Even the screenshot contest where people brought in the best screenshots of their pimped out toons was full of people showcasing their awesome Nights layer and Arsonist armor. When TBC was about to launch, I was in a guild that killed KelThuzad 8th in the United States and we did pretty well overall. However, we had also been farming Nax for quite a while and most guilds had at least gotten to 4-horsemen before the end of vanilla WoW Gold. So when I went into a local game stop for a midnight sale of The Burning Crusade, I was kind of expecting to overhear a lot of people talking about similar things (Naxxramas, their T3 characters, etc) but much to my surprise, almost everyone there was boasting about their amazing t1 and being "1-upped" by the studs who had a few pieces of tier 2 to flaunt.
I did not really think too much of it at the time because I lived in a smaller area at the time and figured it might have been a coincidental fluke. After moving to a more urban area for school, I have kind of been doing my own thing for a while now as far as WoW Gold goes. I tend to avoid talking about the game at school or at all in public for that matter because it just seems weird to me; maybe that is just me. Anyways, as fate would have it, some issues came up and forced me to leave town due to a family emergency and I do not have my own computer at the place I am staying at. Enter the amazing LAN center/cybercaf¨¦ I found here.

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