Watch out for the pet health bar. Sometimes WLD will not be able to rescue the pet in which case a Fel Domination is most likely needed. It is unlikely that we will see countered Fel Doms since most Warlocks are aware of the threat of eating a counter and will either summon out of LOS or when the enemy cast interrupts are down. If a Fell Dom summon is denied, it will be game deciding. Also the longer the match goes, the better for WLD since an affliction Warlock needs a minute to create momentum and of course to wear out the enemy teams CDs about
WoW Account. Normally once Unstable Afflicition is on more than one target, the pressure will be high so watch out for the debuff slots about
WoW Account.
WLD vs cleave: The Warlock needs to spread dots as much as possible, while Warrior needs to look out for perfect switches, hamstring every target especially the melees and keep demoshout up at all times about
WoW Account. Druid needs to be in a perfect position to not get switched on (out of Intercept/Deathgrip range) and the WLD needs to be able to make the fight dance in their favour by putting the focused target in the best position possible about
WoW Account.
WLD vs Hunt DK Pala: Most likely kill hunter, but dot DK too for swaps and pressure. This is mostly of a Warlock fight (*cough* Warlock perspective please you lovely shoutcasters) as he will be dpsd and needs to keep dpsing himself while under pressure. Slick portals are needed and when used they should either save his life and/or open up casting opportunities.
WLD vs War DK Pala: Portals are even more important. Dots up on all targets for pressure but WLD will mainly go for War or DK. It is an uphill fight for WLD with the two targets being very hard to fear and peel. Watch the pet bar even more; if you blink you might miss the pet going from 100 -> 0%.