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WOW ACCOUNT-Death Knights Get Them from the Ebon Blade Instead
WOW ACCOUNT-Death Knights Get Them from the Ebon Blade Instead
What a silly gripe! The box is big because when you first open the GM report UI, it shows you a whole lot of other information before you can actually fill out your ticket. Since filling out the ticket uses the same UI element, it does not resize about WoW Account.
"Not sure if this has been asked before but what is the deal with the Ebon Blade at the Argent Tournament? Do they offer quests, partake in NPC conversations or anything like that?"
They are specifically there for Death Knights. All of those Champion-level dailies most of us pick up from the Argent Crusade in their tent about WoW Account? Death Knights get them from the Ebon Blade instead about WoW Account.
"Because of my limited playtime and my in-game preferences, I never completed a single quest with the Argent Tournament. I have no reputation, token or whatever badge they give. Will I be able to join the 5-10-25 man Argent Coliseums instances like anyone else in my guild, or to I need to grind something before I can enjoy that new 3.2 content about WoW Account?"
You will be able to go into the 5, 10 and 25 man instances in patch 3.2 without a problem. There are no prerequisites to them besides having the appropriate gear to match the difficulty. You will not be able to get some of the new items off of vendors, which do require reputation and tokens, but you can go into the instances just fine. "Is the depiction of Lady Vashj in the most recent comic on worldofwarcraft.com not disturbingly sexy? ...I am just saying..."

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