This article, which is the first of a three part series, is about the effective use of henchmen. It was first published within the forums of Ogamings website and was later made into an article on that same site. The article is being reprinted here by the author (myself Sonya of Red). The ideas expressed here are obviously opinions I have formed based on my own style of game play and may not work out for you. Many of the ideas expressed here are not unique to me and have been used successfully by many people within these forums about Guild Wars Gold.
The reason I decided to write this henchmen guide was two-fold. First off, having gained quite a lot from reading these forums, I felt that I too wanted to give something back. Second, while there has been a lot of discussion about henchmen within these forums, usually the discussions are focused more on a specific mission or quest. The objective, of this article, is to discuss the effective use of henchmen to enchance game play about Guild Wars Gold.
While I titled this article as a guide, it really is not. A guide is something that leads you step-by-step to a destination, be it a physical destination or other (for example a guide on how to build a melee, sword bearing elementalist) about Guild Wars Gold. This post is more of a kind of compendium of effective techniques that will make the use of henchmen easier and hopefully more successful.
Let us talk about some of the reasons to use henchmen. While there really are many reasons to use henchmen, for example you do not like to play with other people, you want to run a quick mission... There are some other reasons/advantages to use henchmen that are, perhaps not as obvious about Guild Wars Gold.