Here some random remarks that one can expect to find in Guild Wars from people playing in a Pick-up Group (PUG) in Player vs. Environment (PvE). When reading forum threads about PUGs, one thing always stands out: PUGs are crap. However, why are they crap then? Why are so many people having problems with it? Is everyone such a bad player that the mission is undoable with a PUG? I think the problem lies a little deeper for most parties about Guild Wars Gold.
So PUGs are crap about Guild Wars Gold. Strangely enough I have yet to see the first thread that states: ¡°My guild team is crap.¡± And I reckon not every guild is loaded with the most brilliant players Guild Wars has to offer. The key that makes a guild team feel a lot better then a PUG is that guild members are often considered as friends. They may not know each other in real life, but there is a bond between the players about Guild Wars Gold. Guild members usually have a mutual understanding; they know what to expect out of the other fellow guildies, from playing style to speech patterns. This last point is a luxury a PUG simply could not have. Unfortunately sometimes one does not have the chances of getting a guild team for a mission; or one just wants to play and meet new people. Thus, here is the million-dollar question: how to avoid the bad PUGs about Guild Wars Gold?
There are things a good PUG leader can do to make a PUG resemble more like a guild team. PUGs are made of people, and as such, there are certain human elements which must be taken into account. This will require some time in the party formation stage, but having to do that same mission over and over again surely takes more time in the end. This guide is no guarantee that you will complete your goal since uncontrollable things do happen. But it will improve your chances by avoiding the pitfalls.