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CHEAP WOW GOLD-Did You Overcome Skill Forgetfulness.
Yeah, I know most of you reading are pretty elite dudes. You have your hotkeys mapped, your DPS rotations memorized, your addons loaded, and you never miss a cool down and never let a buff drop for more than a second cheap wow gold. But for most people, I can not help but think that we all have that one ability that just sort of gets forgotten all the time. There is just so many buttons to press and configure and it is not exactly core to basic game play, so you shuffle it off to a corner in your brain or the UI and forget about cheap wow gold.
When I play my Death Knight, Strangulate gets this honor. In PvE, I may come up against a pack of annoying spell casters, but for some reason to get cheap wow gold, it never occurs to me reach out a choke a witch. It would get them rounded up easier and increase my chances of survival, but I am so busy keeping up my rotation I forget to fit it in. Of course, in PvP, I am expecting to do a lot of spell interrupting, so I remember it then, which makes my blind spot in PvE all the more silly.
On my Warlock, I keep forgetting that I could avoid a lot more corpse runs while soloing if I used my Soul Stone on myself and kept a Health Stone summoned. Sure, In theory I might get a group at any moment and then have to deal with my stone being on cool down, but honestly, I am a DPS Warlock to get cheap wow gold, they are a dime a dozen, and the chance of me getting a group when I am not actively look for it are probably slim. So there is not really an excuse not to self-soulstone. But then I forget and I curse myself as I run through the Fjords about cheap wow gold.
I am curious to know if I am the only one. Do you have a minor skill that you keep forgetting to use?

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