It is a very important of feral druids received buff in 3.0.8: further reduced shapeshifting cost with the new Primal Tenacity. This virtually makes a feral druid impossible to OOM in any situation, ever. Every other mana-based melee hybrid runs into mana issues except feral druids now. In fact, it feels like they have become the original 3.0 paladins that had endless mana pools with the 33% judgements of the wise that later got hotfix nerfed about
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I will not go to argue about their absurdly high damage to do not get me wrong, because quite frankly they need the high damage to kill things given their small amount of interrupts, stuns, and peel about
wow gold. However, the fact that it is literally impossible to ever run them out of mana now and given that they are incredibly hard to ever focus by any team, and you have one of the strongest DPS classes right now, especially when supported by another class that offers a healing reduction to get
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One of the most underrated talents in the game. 375 Armor is passive 2%-5% damage bonuses depend on the target armor. The lower the enemy armor value, more effective this is. +30% to rupture damage is very strong against heavy armor as well, although ruptures use diminishes greatly in group PVP. You obviously need this if you are hemo about
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