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WOW GOLD-the Lack of Competitive RMP Teams in the US
There is no doubt in my mind that all three players of SK-USA are quite good, but when you throw together a team seemingly last minute, barely practice in comparison to your competition, and have one player who has had limited experience playing one particular class, happens. That is not to mention that you picked the team about wow gold, picked the comp, and practiced the amount you chose to practice, had players use classes that they have less experience with in favor of others, and thought it sufficient in the end. Did broken classes, unbalance, and the lack of competitive RMP teams in the US really push you to a comfort level that high to get wow gold?
It is no wonder so many teams/players have been dropped from sponsorships, join others, or disappear entirely from the scene about wow gold. There is really just no comparison in terms of overall attitude. Oh, you are an American team and you lost at the tournament? Inc. 500 excuses, finger pointing aka defacing one of your teammates in some disgustingly trashy manner, or talking about the team that just stomped you by telling bystanders that they played terribly and/or are terrible. And no, this is not limited to this tournament or the player specific to this tournament; it is happened multiple times before. But really, does anyone wonder why EU trash talks so bad when specific USA teams lose to get wow gold?
Unless sponsors have their heads up their, I think the future of American representation is going to change. At this point, it is pretty safe to say that throwing 3 players together that on an individual level can be good, is completely hit-or-miss when it comes to LAN events.

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