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WOW GOLD-Venerable Mass of McGowan

You are still wearing leather, casting a spell or spells and using shocks until your target gets into melee range. Between 1 and 20 it is then finishing it off with melee and shocks. You are still going to have very little variation between Elemental, Restoration and Enhancement as a lowbie shaman. What, then, has changed?Wow gold Kaufen
To help us answer that question and many more as the weeks pass, I introduce you to Greythok, a fresh level 11 shaman on Kilrogg. Greythok will be leveling (when I have the time, so do not expect him to be 80 next week) sans access to things like Heirloom shoulders, chestplates, or weapons. Greythok will be our lens through which we recover what it is like to level a new shaman in the current game. Because frankly, two shamans down the road, it is sometimes hard to recall what true lowbie newness felt like to get cheap wow gold.
However, one of the things we do need to take into account for people starting an alt are those very same Heirlooms. While Greythok happens to be on a server where I do not have access to them about WoW Gold, it is likely many players considering a shaman alt for the first time will have access. Patch 3.2 created more options for leveling with Heriloom Chests and several new Heirloom Weapons. Aspiring Enhancement Shamans will no doubt be interested in the Champions Deathdealer Breastplate as well as Champion Herods Shoulder. As for weapons for your leveling Enhancement, if you have the Emblems you can pick up the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper until you get Dual Wield around level 40 or so (which is to day, 20 levels higher than we are talking about now) and that will see you through the first 40 levels or so. If you want to plan ahead for the next 40 levels about WoW Gold, pick up a pair of Venerable Mass of McGowan to get cheap wow gold.

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