This is nott a scenario I cherrypicked: most teams will mindfreeze/kick me at close to 100% hp. And, obviously, this is not as much a critique about the 2v2 bracket than it is about the state of WoW arena in general to get
wow gold. It really bothers me to see players in arena try to blow somebody up from 100 to 0% with lockouts or stuns (hello ret paladins who HoJ and pop wings when I am at 100% hp) simply because the game did not used to be this way to get
wow gold.
I may have a short-term memory here, but did not players use to actually attempt to lock you out when you were 75% or lower as opposed to at near full hp? Needless to say the game has not exactly gotten more skill-based since TBC. Anyone remember the enhancement shaman MS on flametongue? The ret paladin MS on crusader strike? For those that do remember, neither one of those changes lasted very long on the PTR. If I remember correctly, the enhancement shaman MS did not even last one night on the PTR before it was completely shelved about
wow gold.