WOW GOLD-It Is much Easier to Find a Nasty Paladin
It is much easier to find a nasty paladin than a top dueling warrior, simply because everyone and their uncle have R14 weapons and 41 retrib to buy world of warcraft gold. I am sure everyone is familiar with the amount of damage a paladin can do during hammer of justice with that build. Quite simply this fight is nearly impossible without COS if the paladin you are fighting is not playing recklessly. High stamina is a must, but more importantly, you really want to COS either his HOJ or Repentance. Wow gold Kaufen
I use dual deadly poison for this fight because bringing them down as fast as possible is extremely important about cheap wow gold. Basically as soon as they hit 50% I activate COS and hit renataki immediately, if you are fighting someone of Deviates caliber prep will definitely be needed (for possibly back-to-back COS to force his divine shield). There are many mind games you can play with a paladin to trick him into HOJing your COS. You really have to mix up your stunlock sequences to keep him guessing about cheap wow gold.
Retrib paladins are VERY HOJ happy; because they want to do their damage as soon as possible and they still have repentance for healing, so take advantage of it. For example, I can Premed CS rupture GS Hemo then COS, I can Premed CS into KS for more deadly poison procs then COS at the end of KS. I can activate evasion and COS right after to bait HOJ. I can COS for 5 seconds then KS or vanish CS right after to continue the stun lock. It is all about mind games. If you do force the DS, make sure you have full health before you engage him again. Pressuring him with high DPS is a must, this is why I skip gouge altogether and rush him down with dual deadly. A paladin has about 5000 health. As soon as he reaches 2500, with rupture + deadly ticking on him, pop COS and I can force the DS easily to buy world of warcraft gold. |