I have been whining about sk100 being too RNG based for the past months, and some very rare setups making it there to get
wow gold. What is more, top setups would change from day to day which just made no sense and basically you could make no valid conclusions/arguments about top setups etc about
wow gold. So some fail finish coded this script that takes into account top 1000 or top 5000 or w/e teams in order to find the most common setups. So here goes:
There is text-box at the top of the screen, which you can fill to determine top x teams you wanna count. Currently it supports a maximum of 2000 teams, due to it using cached-paged (I think:P) from SK itself. So it displays top setups in every bracket,average rating of each setup and also display popularity of all classes per bracket to get
wow gold.
This script was also coded by another fail finnish, and since it was the first to appear it has to get some mention. Credit goes to eewo. Its advantage is that it calculates up to 5000 teams currently, although you have to manually change the value at URL to make that happen , I wont paste the results, but rather paste the links to save some spam. Theres a bug that makes some setups appear twice, but with just 0.1% the second time so results shouldnt be affcted a lot.
Consequently I have been having some arguments lately about whether or not DKs are op. The class is definitely very good, has huge utility and you can see it shining in a lot of varying setups, or not? In every bracket that DK is succesful hes paired up with a paladin about
wow gold.
The well-known DK/Pala setup currently dominates the bracket. However, just about every setup of Pala+x is popular there. The only other DK setup that can be called even vaguely popular is shaman/dk which is the13 most popular setup in sk2000 to get
wow gold.