The priest character is possibly one of the most useful types you can have on your
wow account. With its combination of healing and buff spells, the priest is always a welcome ally. Of course, things are not always easy for the priest
wow accounts. It really is not the best character for someone who wants to play alone, or solo. While it is always easy to find a welcome group, sometimes the life of a priest in World of Warcraft can seem like an endless chore. While everyone else is playing the hero and defeating dangerous beasts, the player with the priest on their
wow account is left in the back, a safe distance away from anything hurtful, tapping on the keys that keep everyone else happily slaying monsters from the safety of their
wow accounts. And not everyone is thankful for the help, either, blaming the priest for losses. It is no wonder that not everyone wants to play a healer.
Still, there are some things that can be done to keep a priest a happy thing to play on your wow account. The simplest is merely to enjoy who you play with. Having a regular group is a large part of playing in a social game like World of Warcraft, and the players you game with can make it much better, or much worse. Playing with real life friends is one way to do this. Another is to avoid guilds or groups where the culture just does not hit you are playing style. If everyone is helpful and easy to get along with, everyone will enjoy their wow accounts much more.