When your auctions close whether you are selling or buying about Guild Wars Gold, use your member areas Sold Items or Won Items to find the user IGN and add them to your friends list. This will allow you know when the user is online and potentially available to complete the trade. Make polite contact. I can not stress how important this can be to making this a pleasant experience for everyone about Guild Wars Gold. Remember that whether you are a buyer or a seller, the other person may have many items posted, or many bids so be specific when indicating the item you are talking about.
Also, remember that people are in the game to play. When your initial greeting is responded to, ask them if it is a good time to trade. If they are in the middle of a mission, or other game activity, be polite, and give them the chance to finish, simply ask them to contact you when they are done about Guild Wars Gold. Also, if your initial contact is not responded to, wait for a period of time, (I recommend a minimum of 15 minutes), then repeat your greeting. People will often either step away from their computer, or be in the process of mapping from one area to another and will miss messages. If in game contact fails to get a response, send the user a PM through the auction system, and/or email, asking for a time frame that is convenient for them to complete the transaction. Always remember that Guild Wars is a global community and your trading partner may live on the opposite side of the planet, making time zones problematic about Guild Wars Gold.
If you share your Guild Wars Gold, notify your account partner of your bids, and make arrangements for them to pick up the item for you if they are contacted in game. If a buyer/seller is making polite contact after an auction has been won and gets told it was not me, it was my brother, you will have to talk to him," chances are you will receive a negative feedback and lose the item/sale.