When registering your auction account, make sure you are using a valid email address that you can check at least daily, and a valid in game name (IGN), that will allow buyers and sellers to easily contact you in game. If you have multiple accounts about Guild Wars Gold, list a single name from each account. Failing to do either will result in your auction account being suspended. Categorize your item properly. It will make it much easier for potential buyers to find. The categories have been set up to allow you to specify item class, attribute, skin, and requirement about Guild Wars Gold.
Use the Item Description area to completely describe the item, including stats, and any other notes that pertain to the item, as well as any special contact information such as times you may be available to complete the trade. Do not rely on pictures for your item description about Guild Wars Gold. If a potential buyer goes to view your item and the description says nothing but "See Picture" often times this will lead to a lost sale, especially given the current problems with images on the server that lead to many of them becoming broken. Also be careful of fancy coloring and formatting in your descriptions as they can often be as much of a hindrance as a help about Guild Wars Gold.
Set your prices accordingly. Look to see what other comparable items are not only being starting priced at, but what prices are actually being bid for them. Prices advertised in game often vary widely from what players are actually willing to pay, so just because you see someone selling an item in game for X about Guild Wars Gold, do not assume that is the value of the item. Nine times out of ten, that item will not be sold for that price.