As is with many things in life, Neilyo has not been happy with his minimum wage job at Dominos and has been trying to dig himself out of the hole that is downtown Chicago to get
buy wow gold. Who would not be, though? With open sewers and rats scavenging his apartment for food about WoW Gold (not to mention heavy pollution that could choke an elephant).
Neilyo approached his boss a few weeks ago to ask him about getting a potential raise so that he could enjoy a better lifestyle and maybe do some traveling in the summer. Unfortunately, as with many bosses in the United States during these tough economic times, he was very resentful of increasing this vagabond wage. In fact, Neilyos request angered his boss so much that he almost got fired for it. It did not help his case when he continued to hint to his boss that he might be kicked out of his apartment Serennia style unless he could find a way to increase his income.
Enter Yog and Douja, who had a scheme to keep their teammate in his apartment and on his computer to get
buy wow gold As Ming talked about a few days ago, Neilyo & Co have been playing on a team on BG Nightfall for a few weeks now. What you may not be aware of though, is that they are being paid to hit rank 1 on those characters. The word is that the figure is around $1000 apiece, and that is some serious dough for somebody living in their car 4 months out of the year about
buy wow gold. But how long until Blizzards sympathy for Neilyos predicament fades and they drop the hammer on him?
Blizzard heavily oversold these two by making it look like their flaws would be fixed (ie: the small surface on the top layer of Dalaran arena and that terrible spawn hole in ruins of lordaeron)