Scribes are unique in that they can create their own off-hand weapons, vellum to facilitate enchanting, and draw up cards that combine to form Darkmoon Faire decks that give quests for varying rewards.
The vellum, as stated under Enchanting, allows an Enchanter to create a scroll that is designed to apply an enchant to an item. This scroll can be sold or given away.
They can also make their buy wow gold teleportation scrolls on a 20 minute cooldown. In this manner, you can use your hearthstone once per hour, plus up to three scrolls during that time-frame. They are automatically bound to wherever you set your hearth.
As an added bonus, Northrend scribes will be able to enchant their own shoulder armor!
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Rather than training all of their glyphs, scribes do research in order to discover how to make them. In Northrend, this will intensify, with a daily quest and very expensive materials.