Everyone that is played this game since day one, or hell, since season one arena usually has one thing in common at this point: They are almost all desperately looking for a reason to stop playing
wow gold. I can not really think of a single person that participates in high-end arena or end-game raiding at this point that is satisified with existing content or implementation.
In fact, I know a large amount of players that simply pre-ordered Aion to get into the beta so they can have something to play besides
wow gold. And although I used to be in the same crowd of people sure to play Aion at release, after participating in the third beta event this weekend, I am having second thoughts. I will try and discuss a few of the concerns I have with Aion at the moment and how they compare to WoW parallel implementation.
First and foremost: combat.
Wow gold combat system is far from perfect and there definitely exists slight melee superiority in WoW, but at least it is generally controllable. In Aion, not only are spell interrupts entirely at the mercy of the RNG system (you have a chance to be fully interrupted anytime you are hit by attacks) to get
wow gold, but classes can full-on stack resistance against casters to make virtually every spell miss at the loss of almost no offensive power. Although this is not overly noticeable at the lower levels that players are exposed to in beta, it gets to be a real problem later on. Despite this, however, melee are generally far more disadvantaged then casters in Aion.