Again, let me remind you of how Blizzard called us "Hardcore" for getting to 80th so soon? I not only said "is this it?" but also was one of the first bunch of folks (I will not ever claim to be the first one) to say "Everyone is going to get bored, so fast with this xpac, Blizz seriously underestimed us all....." I had my naysayers and those making fun of my comments. buy cheap wow gold
In just a couple months, people shifted so wildly. Most of the folks I have spoken with say that other than raiding, it is the only reason they log in anymore. They are bored. Heroics are cakewalks. 10 man raids are boring about wow gold. 25 man raids & the achievements to go with them are the few things that barely interest them. Couple of my friends who were die-hard PVPers will not touch the sh*thole that is WoW PVP as they are tired of seeing which team has the most Death Knights & Retribution Paladins as the team that is going to be the winners of whatever BG/Arena. On top of that, most clothies are getting tired of exploding on impact the moment a melee class touches them to get cheap World of Warcraft Gold.
It just seems to me that anyone who had any resemblance of not only brainpower & the ability to create content at a decent pace has either long since left Blizzard (see earlier comments), or simply given up trying. While there is a saying "You can not grow roses overnight. Quality takes time." Also, when you say that the "Core of the original WoW team is still here...." yet your game is so radically different feeling than what you spent the first couple years with, then something more than just your core is gone about wow gold.
Perhaps it is the soul of what made a great game, a great game. All we seem to have now, are folks going through the motions to get cheap World of Warcraft Gold.