I show you everything you need to know about
wow gold farming. You can be a noob, you an be experienced, it doesn't matter because I can take you that extra step to turn thousands of gold over to your account.
Derek's Gold Mastery Guide is detailed with maps, screenshots, item stats, and pictures to give you the keys you how to unlock loads of wow gold.
My guide will give you a wealth of knowledge based on WoW and how to Farm Gold - The money you spend on this guide is in no way comparable to the amount of
wow gold you could buy at the same price! You will save tons of money!
I take you on a step-by-step journey of my experiences in WoW. I will hold nothing back and reveal to you everything I know about the game and how to become a successful player to make your friends WISH they were you.
Every tactic in my guide is 100% legit and legal! Nothing inside of this guide will be harmful to your account!
Derek's Gold Mastery Guide will teach you how to find those SECRET grinding spots filled with hundreds of
wow gold just waiting to be tapped by players. Will you be the one to get them first on your server?
I will also reveal to you my tactics of making
wow gold inside of the game without being logged in! This means you can level your other characters while still making HUGE profits!
I reveal to you an updated version of my item lists, that gives you every item there is to make money off of. Not only this but I show you how I grab these items quickly and how to sell them off while making hundreds of wow gold.
I show you why many players fail at making wow gold. I will explain why they are using failing, and how you can avoid following their footsteps. Instead of being one of the players failing, you will not be making money off of those players!